We provide Maine-licensed site evaluation services, including soil tests and full septic system designs for new and replacement residential and commercial systems.
Please reach us at erik@basswoodenv.com if you cannot find an answer to your question.
A basic soil test is the process by which a licensed Site Evaluator will visit a property to determine if the site is able to support a subsurface wastewater disposal system according to the most current rules and regulations. This typically includes excavating a "test pit" and recording the soil conditions. A septic design takes this several steps further, and involves the layout of the proposed disposal field (leachfield) with construction elevations and additional specifications.
A soil test is often performed to prove that the site is able to be developed, which may be required by a bank before securing a purchase agreement, or by a seller to include with a real estate listing. The septic design, however, doubles as a construction permit when approved by the town (and in some cases, the state). It is required prior to the approval of a building permit for the site, and is viable for 2 years. A full design is typically done when the land owner is also going to be the developer of the parcel, and a full design is needed for the building permit.
No, we are not a soils lab and cannot perform these analyses. There are several private companies as well as the U. Maine Cooperative Extension that may be able to help with this.
There are many reasons for the malfunctioning of a disposal field. Some of these are apparent to a site evaluator, while others may require more specialized equipment. Basswood can perform simple inspections, such as small excavations to determine if the cause is apparent. This is a routine procedure for expected replacement systems. Further investigation should be performed by a company that is set up for such analysis. We have worked closely with several and can provide contact information if their services are needed.
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